#Problem 1

In this problem set, we will conduct supervised classification and unsupervised dimension reduction using a corpus of YouTube video transcripts about guns and gun control. The cleaned transcripts and associated metadata are available in gun transcripts.zip and gun videos.csv, respectively. Key variable definitions in the metadata are as follows:

Problem 1 is intended to be short. Begin by loading the data and constructing a document-term matrix (DTM). You may preprocess the data in any way that you see fit.

Load the data and construct a DTM
Load the data

channel = read_csv("gun_channels_labeled.csv") %>% as.data.frame
video = read_csv("gun_videos.csv") %>% as.data.frame
docs = "gun_transcripts/*"
transcript = readtext(docs)

Turn to DTM, use P-N-L-S-W-I, remove terms that appear in less than 0.5% of documents

#turn to corpus
corp_tran = corpus(transcript)
video.ids = gsub("\\.txt", "", docnames(corp_tran)) 
video.data = data.frame(video.id = video.ids)
video.data = left_join(video.data, video, by = c("video.id" = "rec.video.id"))
#summary(corp_tran, 10)  #take a look at the corpus

#preferred preprocessing method: PNLSWI
toke_tran = tokens(corp_tran, verbose = TRUE) #77215
toke_tran_P = tokens(corp_tran, remove_punct = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) # 77166
toke_tran_PN = tokens(corp_tran, remove_punct = TRUE, remove_numbers = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) #74664

dfm_tran_raw = dfm(toke_tran, tolower = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) #77211?
dfm_tran_P = dfm(toke_tran_P, tolower = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) #77163
dfm_tran_PN = dfm(toke_tran_PN, tolower = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) #74661
dfm_tran_PNL = dfm(dfm_tran_PN, tolower = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) #56582
dfm_tran_PNLS = dfm(dfm_tran_PNL, tolower = FALSE, stem = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) #37175
## Warning: 'stem' is deprecated; use dfm_wordstem() instead
dfm_tran_PNLSW = dfm(dfm_tran_PNLS, tolower = FALSE, remove = stopwords("en"), verbose = TRUE) #37043
## Warning: 'remove' is deprecated; use dfm_remove() instead
dfm_tran_PNLSWI = dfm_trim(dfm_tran_PNLSW, min_docfreq = 0.5/100*ndoc(corp_tran), verbose = TRUE) #31328 removed, remove terms appear in less than 0.5% of documents
dfm_tran = dfm_tran_PNLSWI #will use this one for later questions

#word.perdoc = rowSums(dfm_tran)
#doc.perword = colSums(dfm_tran)

  1. Briefly discuss the rationale for and implications of all decisions regarding stemming, stopword removal, choice of n-gram length (potentially including n = 1, if you believe this is justified), removal of infrequent words, interactions, and other preprocessing steps.

  1. In addition, you may wish to rescale or reweight the data by standardizing, rescaling each row to sum to unity, or replacing the DTM with a term-frequency inverse-document-frequency (tf-idf) matrix. Again, briefly discuss your choice, particularly as it relates to long documents. Note that the the decision not to weight also constitutes a preprocessing choice that should be defended.

Convert the frequency count to a proportion within documents

dfm_tran_prop = dfm_weight(dfm_tran, scheme = "prop")
#dfm_tran_prop[1:5, 1:10] #take a look

  1. We refer to the data matrix resulting from the preceding preprocessing regime as the “preferred” preprocessing regime. Next, select another defensible but substantially differing sequence of preprocessing decisions, then briefly report any major differences in summary statistics (e.g., dimensions of the resulting data matrix, typical values of the dropped/added variables). You will return to the “alternative” regime in Problem 3.

Alternative preprocessing decisions: remove terms that appear in less than 1% of documents

#alternative preprocessing method: PNLSWI, remove  1% instead of 0.5%
dfm_tran_alt = dfm_trim(dfm_tran_PNLSW, min_docfreq = 1/100*ndoc(corp_tran), 
                        verbose = TRUE)  #33133 removed
dfm_tran_alt_prop = dfm_weight(dfm_tran_alt, scheme="prop")

Briefly discuss the difference
Compared with the main preprocessing decisions, the “alternative” regime has fewer terms because the threshold of removing infrequent words is higher.

#Problem 2

  1. Choose two classification algorithms that require selection of a regularization parameter (or parameters). For each algorithm, select at least three widely varying values for the regularization parameter. Then, fit the corresponding models to the data from folds \(1\) to \(K-1\). (Note that the specifics of this procedure will depend on the chosen model.)


x = dfm_tran_prop #the DTM to be used
y = ifelse(video.data$label == "pro-gun", 1, 
           ifelse(video.data$label == "anti-gun", 0, NA)) #drop undetermined

obj.use = !is.na(y) #only labelled 
x = dfm_tran[obj.use,] #only use labelled videos
y = y[obj.use]
fold = video.data[obj.use,"fold"] #fold indicator

Function to compute true positive rate, true negative rate, and accuracy

evaluation = function(ypred_y){
  ypred = ypred_y[,1] %>% factor(levels=0:1)
  yactual = ypred_y[,2] %>% factor(levels=0:1)
  tab = table(ypred, yactual)
  accuracy = sum(diag(tab)) / sum(tab)
  confusion = table(ypred, yactual)
  tpr = confusion[2,2] / sum(confusion[,2])
  tnr = confusion[1,1] / sum(confusion[,1])
  eva.result = c(tpr, tnr, accuracy)
  names(eva.result) = c("True Positive Rate", "True Negative Rate", "Accuracy")

Algorithm 1: LASSO, \(\lambda \in \{0.01, 1, 10\}\)

#Define a function to run LASSO and returns predicted value + actual value
run.lasso = function(fold.test, lam, sample){
  train = which(fold!=fold.test)
  test = which(fold==fold.test)
  lasso = glmnet(x[train,], y[train],
                 family="binomial", alpha=1, lambda=lam)
  if (sample == "in"){
    yactual = y[train]
    preds = predict(lasso, x[train,], type="class")
  } else if (sample == "out"){
    yactual = y[test]
    preds = predict(lasso, x[test,], type="class")
  return(cbind(preds, yactual))

#Run Lasso 
eval.lasso.k4 = NA
for (l in c(0.001, 1, 100)){
  result = run.lasso(fold.test=4, lam=l, sample="in") 
  eval = evaluation(result)
  eval.lasso.k4 = rbind(eval.lasso.k4, eval)

for (l in c(0.001, 1, 100)){
  result = run.lasso(fold.test=4, lam=l, sample="out") 
  eval = evaluation(result)
  eval.lasso.k4 = rbind(eval.lasso.k4, eval)
eval.lasso.k4 = eval.lasso.k4[-1,] %>% as.data.frame
eval.lasso.k4$Algorithm = "LASSO"
eval.lasso.k4$Sample = c(rep("In-sample",3), rep("Out-of-sample", 3))
eval.lasso.k4$Lambda = rep(c(0.001, 1, 100),2)
eval.lasso.k4 = eval.lasso.k4[,c(4:6, 1:3)]
rownames(eval.lasso.k4) = 1:6

The average performance using LASSO as classifier and fold 4 as test set is:

Algorithm Sample Lambda True Positive Rate True Negative Rate Accuracy
LASSO In-sample 1e-03 1.000000 1.000000 1.0000000
LASSO In-sample 1e+00 1.000000 0.000000 0.7766911
LASSO In-sample 1e+02 1.000000 0.000000 0.7766911
LASSO Out-of-sample 1e-03 0.827044 0.255102 0.6923077
LASSO Out-of-sample 1e+00 1.000000 0.000000 0.7644231
LASSO Out-of-sample 1e+02 1.000000 0.000000 0.7644231

Algorithm 2: Linear SVM, \(c \in \{0,001, 1, 100\}\)

#Define function to run linear SVM, return predicted and actual values
run.svm = function(fold.test, c, sample){
  train = which(fold!=fold.test)
  test = which(fold==fold.test)
  fit = svm(x=x[train,], y=factor(y[train]),
            kernel="linear", cost=c, probability=TRUE)
  if (sample == "in"){
    yactual = y[train]
    preds = predict(fit, x[train,]) %>% as.character %>% as.numeric 
  } else if (sample == "out"){
    yactual = y[test]
    preds = predict(fit, x[test,]) %>% as.character %>% as.numeric

#Run SVM
eval.svm.k4 = NA
for (c in c(0.001, 1, 100)){
  result = run.svm(fold.test = 4, c=c, sample="in")
  eval = evaluation(result)
  eval.svm.k4 = rbind(eval.svm.k4, eval)

for (c in c(0.001, 1, 100)){
  result = run.svm(fold.test = 4, c=c, sample="out")
  eval = evaluation(result)
  eval.svm.k4 = rbind(eval.svm.k4, eval)

eval.svm.k4 = eval.svm.k4[-1,]
eval.svm.k4 = eval.svm.k4 %>% as.data.frame
eval.svm.k4$Algorithm = "Linear SVM"
eval.svm.k4$Sample = c(rep("In-sample", 3), rep("Out-of-sample", 3))
eval.svm.k4$Cost = rep(c(0.001, 1, 100), 2)
eval.svm.k4 = eval.svm.k4[,c(4:6, 1:3)]
rownames(eval.svm.k4) = 1:6

The average performance using Linear SVM as classifier and fold 4 as test set is:

Algorithm Sample Cost True Positive Rate True Negative Rate Accuracy
Linear SVM In-sample 1e-03 0.9968520 0.9343066 0.9828851
Linear SVM In-sample 1e+00 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000
Linear SVM In-sample 1e+02 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000
Linear SVM Out-of-sample 1e-03 0.8333333 0.2755102 0.7019231
Linear SVM Out-of-sample 1e+00 0.8238994 0.3367347 0.7091346
Linear SVM Out-of-sample 1e+02 0.8238994 0.3367347 0.7091346

  1. Rotate through the \(K\) folds, computing in-sample and out-of-sample performance each time. Average across folds, weighting by the number of observations in each. Again, collect your results in an informative plot or table, then describe and interpret any patterns.

Preparation: in-sample and out-of-sample weights

weight.out = table(fold) %>% as.numeric / length(fold)
weight.in = 1-weight.out


eval.lasso = NA
for (sample in c("in", "out")){
  for (l in c(0.001, 1, 100)){
    for (k in 1:4){
      result = run.lasso(fold.test=k, lam=l, sample=sample)
      eval = evaluation(result)
      info = c("LASSO", sample, l, k)
      eval.temp = c(info, eval)
      eval.lasso = rbind(eval.lasso, eval.temp)
      #print(paste(k, l, sample, sep=" "))
eval.lasso.back = eval.lasso #back up
eval.lasso = eval.lasso[-1,]
eval.lasso = eval.lasso %>% as.data.frame
colnames(eval.lasso)[1:4] = c("Algorithm", "Sample", "Lambda", "Test fold")
rownames(eval.lasso) = 1:24
eval.lasso$Sample = ifelse(eval.lasso$Sample=="in", "In-sample", "Out-of-sample")
eval.lasso[5:7] = apply(eval.lasso[5:7], 2, function(x) x%>%as.character%>%as.numeric)
eval.lasso$Weight = c(rep(weight.in, 3), rep(weight.out, 3))

eval.lasso.weighted = NA
for (i in 0:2){
  eval.lasso.weighted = rbind(eval.lasso.weighted, apply(eval.lasso[(1+i*4):(4+i*4), 5:7], 2, function(x) weighted.mean(x, weight.in, na.rm=T)))

for (i in 3:5){
  eval.lasso.weighted = rbind(eval.lasso.weighted, apply(eval.lasso[(1+i*4):(4+i*4), 5:7], 2, function(x) weighted.mean(x, weight.out, na.rm=T)))

eval.lasso.weighted = eval.lasso.weighted[-1,]
eval.lasso.weighted = eval.lasso.weighted %>% as.data.frame
eval.lasso.weighted$Algorithm = "LASSO"
eval.lasso.weighted$Sample = c(rep("In-sample", 3), rep("Out-of-sample", 3))
eval.lasso.weighted$Lambda = rep(c(0.001, 1, 100), 2)
eval.lasso.weighted = eval.lasso.weighted[,c(4:6, 1:3)]
rownames(eval.lasso.weighted) = 1:6

The average weighted performance by using LASSO is:

Algorithm Sample Lambda True Positive Rate True Negative Rate Accuracy
LASSO In-sample 1e-03 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000
LASSO In-sample 1e+00 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.7735849
LASSO In-sample 1e+02 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.7735849
LASSO Out-of-sample 1e-03 0.8849079 0.2055443 0.7212416
LASSO Out-of-sample 1e+00 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.7735849
LASSO Out-of-sample 1e+02 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.7735849

(b) Linear SVM

eval.svm = NA
for(sample in c("in", "out")){
  for(c in c(0.001, 1, 100)){
    for (k in 1:4){
      result = run.svm(fold.test = k, c=c, sample = sample)
      eval = evaluation(result)
      info = c("Linear SVM", sample, l, k)
      eval.temp = c(info, eval)
      eval.svm = rbind(eval.svm, eval.temp)
      #print(c(sample, c, k))
eval.svm.back = eval.svm #backup
eval.svm = eval.svm.back[-1,]
eval.svm = eval.svm %>% as.data.frame
colnames(eval.svm)[1:4] = c("Algorithm", "Sample", "Cost", "Test fold")
rownames(eval.svm) = 1:24
eval.svm$Sample = ifelse(eval.svm$Sample=="in", "In-sample", "Out-of-sample")
eval.svm[5:7] = apply(eval.svm[5:7], 2, function(x) x%>%as.character%>%as.numeric)
eval.svm$Weight = c(rep(weight.in, 3), rep(weight.out, 3))

eval.svm.weighted = NA
for (i in 0:2){
  eval.svm.weighted = rbind(eval.svm.weighted, apply(eval.svm[(1+i*4):(4+i*4), 5:7], 2, function(x) weighted.mean(x, weight.in, na.rm=T)))

for (i in 3:5){
  eval.svm.weighted = rbind(eval.svm.weighted, apply(eval.svm[(1+i*4):(4+i*4), 5:7], 2, function(x) weighted.mean(x, weight.out, na.rm=T)))

eval.svm.weighted = eval.svm.weighted[-1,]
eval.svm.weighted = eval.svm.weighted %>% as.data.frame
eval.svm.weighted$Algorithm = "Linear SVM"
eval.svm.weighted$Sample = c(rep("In-sample", 3), rep("Out-of-sample", 3))
eval.svm.weighted$Lambda = rep(c(0.001, 1, 100), 2)
eval.svm.weighted = eval.svm.weighted[,c(4:6, 1:3)]
rownames(eval.svm.weighted) = 1:6

The average weighted performance by using Linear SVM is:

Algorithm Sample Lambda True Positive Rate True Negative Rate Accuracy
Linear SVM In-sample 1e-03 0.9961360 0.8852721 0.9734226
Linear SVM In-sample 1e+00 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000
Linear SVM In-sample 1e+02 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000
Linear SVM Out-of-sample 1e-03 0.8985372 0.2757651 0.7474133
Linear SVM Out-of-sample 1e+00 0.8858228 0.3805490 0.7656726
Linear SVM Out-of-sample 1e+02 0.8858228 0.3805490 0.7656726

  1. Based on the results described above, create a final classifier that uses all labeled data. Justify your decisions. Save the resulting model.

Use LASSO with \(\lambda=0.001\)
Justify your decision: It has a good balance across: 1) In-sample and Out-of-sample performance; 2) TPR and TNR.

#Run final classifier with all labeled data
lasso.final = glmnet(x, y,
                 family="binomial", alpha=1, lambda=0.001)

  1. Finally, randomly sample at least 10 unique unlabeled observations and hand-code them as pro gun / anti gun.

Report the sampled video IDs and your hand-coded labels in a table.

Randomly select 10 videos

#Not using seed 08544 this time
nolabel = which(is.na(video$label))
video.nolabel = video[nolabel,]
dfm.nolabel = dfm_tran_prop[nolabel,]
video.select = sample(1:length(nolabel), 10)

The 10 unlabeled videos randomly selected are:

FBI assembling GUN CONFISCATION master list
How to Bid and Buy on GunBroker.com - Demo
EXCLUSIVE: Bruce Paddock gives emotional on-camera interview about brother, Las Vegas shooting
Dashcam clears cop accused of pulling gun on woman
Excerpt: Active shooter training video
Gun Shop Talk 1: Things You See And Hear In A Gun Shop
Remington 870 Upgrades | Shooting USA
London Murder Rate Overtakes New York City Despite Very Tough Gun Laws. Time To Ban KNIVES?
Europeans Ask: Why Doesn’t America Act on Gun Violence?
5 Things I learned at the Gun range

The sampled video IDs and hand-coded labels are:

Video ID hand coding
l17uEVfDKX8 undetermined
1uKnLau5Wl0 pro-gun
X7ttWB9fNSM pro-gun
qSQFkxNhrf8 undetermined
msHZ_-k6IQA pro-gun
2ZURASN5wy4 pro-gun
PBu-oSfQrRM pro-gun
O-8-hbzQfDg undetermined
Gg4DFq5YtY4 pro-gun
T7ZBLkgeh7I undetermined

Run your classifier on these videos and report the results as well.
The results by the classifier are:

Video ID Machine coding
l17uEVfDKX8 pro-gun
1uKnLau5Wl0 pro-gun
X7ttWB9fNSM pro-gun
qSQFkxNhrf8 pro-gun
msHZ_-k6IQA pro-gun
2ZURASN5wy4 pro-gun
PBu-oSfQrRM pro-gun
O-8-hbzQfDg pro-gun
Gg4DFq5YtY4 pro-gun
T7ZBLkgeh7I pro-gun

Briefly describe the basis on which your classifier made its decision.

Take a look at the words with largest and smallest coefficients:

Words with largest coefficients are:

word coef
4992 naiv -3.696025
1670 texan -3.446791
3860 clap -3.419424
5149 guilt -3.300987
1013 douglass -3.243504
3041 conscienc -3.208078
754 huddl -2.936500
4508 siren -2.747020
5729 cynic -2.535087
3756 marathon -2.157830

Words with smallest coefficients are:

word coef
4917 denomin 1.039424
3920 roger 1.066361
5603 supervis 1.089841
3953 fuckin 1.142647
4172 reveng 1.181267
5287 vers 1.211264
4711 parad 1.320034
3897 analyst 1.478958
3984 motherfuck 1.726091
5165 judi 3.149685

It seems that words with negative coefficients are more about crimes and laws, while those with positive coefficients about bad stuff…

#Problem 3

We now investigate the extent to which unsupervised dimension reduction procedures produce results that map onto your previous supervised classifier.

  1. First, we will conduct a brief simulation to understand the role of feature weighting. Create 1,000 observations by randomly drawing X1 <- rnorm(1000, mean = 0, sd = 1), X2 <- rnorm(1000, mean = 0, sd = .75), and X3 <- rnorm(1000, mean = 0, sd = .5). Create the data matrix with X <- cbind(X1, X2, X3) and conduct a singular value decomposition.
    Examine the resulting dataset, e.g. with plot3d(X, aspect = FALSE) from package rgl or by creating a bivariate scatterplot matrix (be sure to set the aspect ratio to 1). Then, superimpose the first right singular vector, e.g. with arrow3d(p0 = c(0, 0, 0), p1 = …).
    Finally, standardize your X and repeat. Explain any differences, providing informative figures as needed. Discuss your results with reference to the term “total variance.” Intuitively, what is the effect of standardization in principal component analysis? What are the implications for PCA with rare words? ***

Create the data

X1 = rnorm(1000, mean=0, sd=1)
X2 = rnorm(1000, mean=0, sd=0.75)
X3 = rnorm(1000, mean=0, sd=0.5)
X = cbind(X1, X2, X3)

Unstandardized case

X.svd = svd(X)
## [1]  0.9933510 -0.1144430  0.0125147
plot3d(X, aspect = FALSE)
arrow3d(p0=c(0,0,0), p1=X.svd$v[,1], col="red")

Standardize and repeat

X.scaled = scale(X)
X.scaled.svd = svd(X.scaled)
## [1]  0.4585749 -0.6851997  0.5658714
plot3d(X.scaled, aspect = FALSE)
arrow3d(p0=c(0,0,0), p1=X.scaled.svd$v[,1], col="red")

Compare the first right singular vectors

The fist right singular vector of unstandardized data is:

## [1]  0.9933510 -0.1144430  0.0125147

The first right singular vector of standardized data is:

## [1]  0.4585749 -0.6851997  0.5658714

Compare the variance

The variance of different dimensions of the unstandardized data is:

X1 1.0075330
X2 0.5846430
X3 0.2356383

The variance of different dimensions of the standardized data is:

X1 1
X2 1
X3 1

Put together:

RSV (unstandardized) VAR (unstandardized) RSV (standardized) VAR(standardized)
X1 0.9933510 1.0075330 0.4585749 1
X2 -0.1144430 0.5846430 -0.6851997 1
X3 0.0125147 0.2356383 0.5658714 1

  1. Center the DTM and decide whether to standardize it, using scale(X, center = TRUE, scale = …). Conduct dimension reduction on your YouTube DTM. (If absolutely necessary for computational reasons, you may consider truncated SVD or randomly subsampling of videos. Justify your decision.) What proportion of total variation does your first dimension explain? Produce a “scree plot” depicting how the proportion decreases over the top 10 dimensions.

Center the DTM and also standardize it.

dfm_tran_scaled = scale(dfm_tran_prop, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
dfm_tran_alt_scaled = scale(dfm_tran_alt_prop, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE)

Conduct dimension reduction with SVD

#now = Sys.time()
svd.dfm = svd(dfm_tran_scaled)
svd.dfm.alt = svd(dfm_tran_alt_scaled)
#difftime(Sys.time(), now)

Produce a “scree plot” over the top 10 dimensions: Main preprocessing regime

“scree plot”: Alternative regime

  1. Interpret your first dimension by examining its most positive and negative loadings. Qualitatively, what does this appear to capture? Next, sample videos that score in the top and bottom deciles on the first dimension. Describe your results. Do they confirm your initial assessment? How do videos at the extremes compare to each other (e.g. in word count, duration, views, etc.)? To the average video?

Examine most positive and negative loadings of the first dimension

svd.dfm.d1.load = cbind(svd.dfm$v[,1], dfm_tran_prop %>% colnames) %>% as.data.frame
colnames(svd.dfm.d1.load) = c("load", "word")
svd.dfm.d1.load$load = svd.dfm.d1.load$load %>% as.character %>% as.numeric
svd.dfm.d1.load = svd.dfm.d1.load[order(svd.dfm.d1.load[,1]),]

Most negative loadings of the first dimension are:

load word
1093 -0.0841441 littl
1366 -0.0775262 bit
1326 -0.0765709 barrel
500 -0.0708779 round
76 -0.0679575 pretti
2082 -0.0640453 bolt
328 -0.0636798 rifl
1347 -0.0620350 recoil
197 -0.0607834 realli
339 -0.0604994 trigger

Most positive loadings of the first dimension are:

load word
208 0.0405757 happen
539 0.0421604 amend
241 0.0435178 kill
93 0.0435928 state
6 0.0468550 violenc
661 0.0479577 school
190 0.0511430 countri
39 0.0512496 law
97 0.0529350 say
240 0.0648527 peopl

Qualitatively, what does this appear to capture?
It seems that most positive loadings are about violence and public places, where negative ones are unclear.

Sample videos that score in the top and bottom deciles on the first dimension

load.d1 = svd.dfm$u[,1]
load.d1 = data.frame(video = 1:3800,
                     load = load.d1)
load.d1 = load.d1[order(load.d1$load),]

load.d1.sample.top = sample(load.d1$video[1:380], 10)
load.d1.sample.bot = sample(load.d1$video[3421:3800], 10)

top = video.data[load.d1.sample.top,]
bot = video.data[load.d1.sample.bot,]

The average number of words of 10 videos sampled from the top docile is:

## [1] 1604.4

The average number of words of 10 videos sampled from the bottom docile is:

ntoken(toke_tran[load.d1.sample.bot]) %>% mean
## [1] 672.8

The average number of words of all videos is:

## [1] 1717.635

Describe your results. Do they confirm your initial assessment? How do videos at the extremes compare to each other (e.g. in word count, duration, views, etc.)? To the average video?

It seems that the videos of the top decile have fewer words, thus smaller duration.

Repeat this procedure for the second dimension

svd.dfm.d2.load = cbind(svd.dfm$v[,2], dfm_tran_prop %>% colnames) %>% as.data.frame
colnames(svd.dfm.d2.load) = c("load", "word")
svd.dfm.d2.load$load = svd.dfm.d2.load$load %>% as.character %>% as.numeric
svd.dfm.d2.load = svd.dfm.d2.load[order(svd.dfm.d2.load[,1]),]

Most positive loadings of the second dimension are:

load word
36 -0.0788966 just
152 -0.0724119 got
72 -0.0663637 yeah
186 -0.0610026 oh
15 -0.0582699 know
40 -0.0580642 go
71 -0.0572401 okay
57 -0.0561068 like
81 -0.0545385 gonna
78 -0.0535242 get

Most negative loadings of the second dimension are:

load word
1103 0.0643904 feder
308 0.0646637 includ
2788 0.0673907 prohibit
2379 0.0694540 misinform
1608 0.0734892 requir
39 0.0746128 law
489 0.0800166 various
3374 0.0842344 kraut
93 0.0848819 state
320 0.0853443 firearm

Qualitatively, what does this appear to capture?
The negative ones are not very clear… The positive ones look like about regulations.

Sample videos that score in the top and bottom deciles on the second dimension

load.d2 = svd.dfm$u[,2]
load.d2 = data.frame(video = 1:3800,
                     load = load.d2)
load.d2 = load.d2[order(load.d2$load),]

load.d2.sample.top = sample(load.d2$video[1:380], 10)
load.d2.sample.bot = sample(load.d2$video[3421:3800], 10)

top = video.data[load.d2.sample.top,]
bot = video.data[load.d2.sample.bot,]

The average number of words of 10 videos sampled from the top docile is:

## [1] 920.6

The average number of words of 10 videos sampled from the bottom docile is:

ntoken(toke_tran[load.d2.sample.bot]) %>% mean
## [1] 1335.4

The average number of words of all videos is:

## [1] 1717.635

Describe your results. Do they confirm your initial assessment? How do videos at the extremes compare to each other (e.g. in word count, duration, views, etc.)? To the average video?
Still, it seems that the videos of the top decile have fewer words, thus smaller duration.

If you had to label your axes in a single word or phrase (alternatively, with labels for the positive/negative directions), what would they be?
Dimension 1 will be labelled as violence, and dimension as regulation/law.

  1. Create a bivariate plot in which the x-axis represents fitted values based on your classifier from Problem 2. (For this question, only use unlabeled data.) The y-axis should represent your first dimension from this problem. How do they correspond?
    Next, create a second plot in which the x- and y-axes represent your first and second latent dimensions. Indicate the fitted values using color, a contour plot, or any other clear and informative visual presentation. Does the second dimension appear to map onto your fitted values? Discuss.

Create a bivariate plot: Fitted values vs. First dimension

Create a second plot: First dimension vs. Second dimension, with fitted values

  1. Finally, compute a second SVD using the data matrix from your alternative preprocessing regime. Plot the first-dimension scores from both approaches against each other and discuss the sensitivity of your results to preprocessing decisions.

Plot first dimension scores from both approaches agaisnt each other

Discuss the sensitivity
It seems that the first-dimension scores are almost identical for the two different preprocessing schemes, which implies that the preprocessing decisions (specifically, the threshold of removing infrequent words in this case), is not very sensitive.